Articles on: Event Organizer - Tutorials

How to add your events to the discovery page

How to Add an Existing Event to the Discovery Page

To add your new event to the discovery page, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Create Your Event
Login to your Tix account and proceed to create your event by filling in all the necessary details, including the event name, date, time, location, and description. Don't forget to add a captivating event photo.

Step 2: Create Tickets
After providing event details, create tickets for your event. Once done, click on Save and Continue to proceed.

Step 3: Publish Your Event
Once all event details and tickets are set up, it's time to publish your event. Simply hit the Publish button to make your event live.

Step 4: List Event Publicly
Toggle the List Event Publicly option and ensure it's enabled. Then, click on the Save button to confirm your changes.

Step 5: Confirmation
You can see on the event dashboard that your event has been published and added to the discovery page.

By following these straightforward steps, you've effectively added your event to the discovery page, maximizing its exposure and reach.

How to Add an Existing Event to the Discovery Page

To add your existing event to the discovery page, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Login to your Tix account: Begin by logging in to your Tix account.

Step 2: Choose the Event: Within the Events section, locate and select the event you wish to publish and feature on the discovery page.

Step 3: Publish Your Event: To publish the selected event, simply click on the toggle switch labeled Publish. This action makes your event visible to potential attendees.

Step 4: Locate the "Add to Discovery Page" Toggle: After publishing your event, you'll find a toggle switch labeled Add to Discovery Page. This option will only become available once your event is published.

Step 5:Toggle "Add to Discovery Page": Switch the toggle to the On position. This indicates to Tix that you want your event to be showcased on the discovery page, increasing its visibility to a broader audience.

Things to note

You must create tickets first before publishing.
You can only add events to the discovery page after publishing.

Updated on: 24/07/2024

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